Bojack Horseman directors explain what cats are doing for gender equality


Amy Winfrey and Peter Merryman talk about their hit animated comedy series Bojack Horseman, and presenting at Kosovo’s animation festival Anibar this weekend.

With Anibar in full swing, Peja is buzzing with young animators, students, filmmakers and filmgoers, and Amy Winfrey and Peter Merryman are relishing the chance to be a part of it, reliving their days as students when animation festivals were the best excuse to get out of Los Angeles.

“We haven’t been to a whole lot of animation festivals, but we’ve heard from others that are here that this one is particularly unique,” they said. “You get to spend a lot of time with the filmmakers and because it’s so small you run into everyone all the time, we’ve never had the chance to meet this many filmmakers and actually talk to them before.”

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