Afters Ice Cream Will Be Doing A Rick and Morty Collaboration


Rick and Morty has taken the internet by a storm.

To be fair, most people like to think that they have a high IQ, and Rick and Morty provides net denizens with the validation they need. When an episode put McDonald’s Szechuan Sauce (or that Mulan McNugget sauce) on blast and McDonald’s released a limited amount of sauce for short period of time – the queues for the free packets of sauce went around the block, and caused McDonald’s to re-release the sauce, perhaps permanently after people started selling their FREE packets of Szechuan Sauce for obscene amounts of money. 

Now, viral brand Afters Ice Cream (they topped ice cream with ice cream, heroes) is getting in on the Rick and Morty market with an ice cream collaboration that we’re sure will be a hit (even amongst those who’ve only watched an episode of the show). Co-founder of Afters Ice Cream Scott Nghiem joined The Katchup podcast, on Thursday and revealed that a collab was in the works.

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