Rick and Morty‘ Geeki Tiki Mugs Help You Get Riggity Riggity Wrecked


Adult Swim’s Rick and Morty and Geeki Tikis are a merchandising match made in Heaven. Or maybe Hell. Either way, it makes a lot of sense.

Indeed, Rick and Morty Geeki Tiki mugs are a reality, and you can pre-order the entire lineup right here for $17.99 each with shipping slated for November. There are 10 mugs in total, and if you’re wondering whether or not the collection includes a Pickle Rick Tiki mug, the answer is “yes”. You should probably jump on that one quickly. The Rick mug and the Mr. Meeseeks mug will also likely be among the most popular in the collection.

Read more at ‘Rick and Morty’ Geeki Tiki Mugs Help You Get Riggity Riggity Wrecked