An Ode to Missy From ‘Big Mouth‘, The Most Relatable Girl on Television


Netflix’s animated comedy Big Mouth remains one of television’s most hilariously brutal series, one that blends gross-out humour with a deftly drawn take on the mental and literal horrors of adolescence. For a show that seemed so simplistically crude when it premiered – ha ha, dick jokes, I get it – the show, courtesy of Nick Kroll and Andrew Goldberg and based on their own experiences, has grown into a proudly progressive exploration of that with so much pop culture remains depressingly timid about. In its second season, Big Mouth smartly moved away from its two male leads, understanding that the terrors of male puberty have long been a favourite topic for entertainment. Instead, the show dug more into its ensemble of young women, each navigating a far trickier path to growing up.

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