BOB'S BURGERS: Bob and Linda get into surprising trouble with their accountant in the "Large Brother, Where Fart Though?" episode of BOBÕS BURGERS airing Sunday, Nov. 20 (7:30-8:00 PM ET/PT) on FOX. BOB'S BURGERS ª and © 2016 TCFFC ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. CR: FOX
Linda’s new friend Angie—a young, conventionally attractive woman that she met at the supermarket—has been selling her essential oils. Angie stops by the restaurant to invite Linda to an essential oil party that she’s throwing at her house. Bob and Teddy have promised to help Mr. Huggins move his new bed, so Tina babysits Gene and Louise.
While Tina tries to entice her siblings to complete a jigsaw puzzle, Aunt Gail calls the house. Gail is horrified that Linda is at an oils party, because Gail attended a similar event and spent $600 on a starter kit of essential oils, none of which she could sell. She rushes to pick up the kids and take them to the party to save Linda.
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