The Ultimate South Park and Philosophy: Respect My Philosophah!

Enlightenment from the South Park gang faster than youcan say, “Screw you guys, I’m going home”!

The Ultimate South Park and Philosophy: Respect MyPhilosophah! presents a compilation of serious philosophicalreflections on the twisted insights voiced by characters inTV’s most irreverent animated series.

  • Offers readers a philosophically smart and candid approach toone of television’s most subversive and controversial showsas it enters its 17th season
  • Draws sharp parallels between the irreverent nature of South Park and the inquiring and skeptical approach of Western philosophy
  • Journeys deep beyond the surface of the show’s scatological humor to address the perennial questions raised in South Park and the contemporary social and political issues that inspire each episode
  • Utilizes familiar characters and episodes to illustrate suchphilosophical topics as moral relativism, freedom of expression,gay marriage, blasphemy, democracy, feminism, animal ethics,existential questions, and much more
  • It’s a Bigger, Longer & Uncut version of the highly acclaimed South Park and Philosophy: You Know, I Learned Something Today—and is guaranteed to be much funnier thankilling Kenny


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