It’s been 20 years since King Of The Hill first aired, and Mike Judge’s seminal satire of the ‘atypical’ Texan family, American...
King of the Hill
King of the Hill is back in the spotlight, and FOX’s animated comedy is not only undervalued but more poignant...
Hulu has added Emmy-winning animated series King of the Hill to its lineup. Beginning today, all 13 seasons of the series are exclusively...
A show that somehow has failed to get all the credit it deserves, Bob’s Burgers not only is one of the best...
King of The Hill will rule over Comedy Central this Labor Day with its first-ever King of the Hill holiday marathon, King...
Mike Judge has been carrying a great career for 25+ years. Now he's the creator of Silicon Valley on HBO,...
Fox's middle-class animated comedy King of the Hill may be revived at Fox. Speaking with reporters Tuesday following her time at the...